Sponsor or Donate

Sponsoring our Cats

Caring for our cats whilst they are waiting to be rehomed is a full time job and we rely not only on our lovely volunteers, but also on donations.

If you would like to receive our sponsors Newletter, then please get in touch. Making monthly donations, gives us the opportunity to keep helping cats. 

PayPal Sponsor subscriptions

You can set up a monthly donation for any amount from £3 through PayPal using our email address tynantcatsanctuary@gmail.com

You can also set this up through standing order

Account name: Ty Nant Cat Sanctuary

Bank: HSBC

Account Number: 11713418

Sort Code: 40-37-18

Once you have done this please message or email us with your email address so that we know where to send the newlsetter.

We will then start sending you a quarterly newsletter from the cats at the sanctuary. 

You can cancel payments any time you like if you are not happy with the Sponsors newsletter, but please let us know as feedback is much appreciated. 


What you get when you sponsor our cats.

We have recently changed our sponsor system. Instead of receiving one update every month we now send a Sponsors newsletter to show our sponsors where their sponsor donation is spent. As you can see from the images below, we like to give an update on the adoptions in Month, have a little update from Jonah and also an update on one of our previous feline residents. If you would like to sponsor our cats and receive a e-copy of the newsletter please message us. Sponsorship donations is the only guaranteed income we can rely on every month. If adoptions are low its the only money we have coming in to help our cats. So we rely heavily on the generosity of our cats supporters to be able to keep helping them. A lot of the cats we take in are elderly, disabled or FIV+. These can sometimes prove hard to rehome as lots of people want kittens, so the only way we can keep helping them is with the support of their guardian angels out there. 


Jonah came to us at 5 weeks old, he had bent legs as the cartilage didn't seem to be attached to the bone. He had scans and test and it was discovered he had Hyperpasia. Jonah is now a lot older, the vets said it was best to leave his legs alone as he was coping well. We call him our little T-Rex cat. Jonah is in long term foster, as he needs to be closely monitored for any sores or ailments that could occur.  He runs around like every other cat and doesnt let his disability stop him from climbing, jumping or chasing his feline family. 

If you have any questions about Sponsorship please contact us via the contact form below. 


Other ways to donate

Thank you!

All donations are gratefully received as your donations help us to care for our cats.

There are many ways to donate to us, please use one of the options below or contact us for help, or more information.

Donations don't just have to be financial. If you want to help our cats, donating time, services, food, newspapers, unwanted things for us to sell, and so on, all contributes massively to the care and upkeep of our beautiful cats and their Tŷ-Nant home.


Amazon Wish List


Bank Transfer


Sort code: 40-37-18

Account: 11713418


Please make cheques payable

to: Tynant Cat Sanctuary

Donation Points

We have donation boxes for food, litter, toys etc in Pets at Home Port Talbot, Zoars Ark in Neath and Tesco Pontardawe

For anything else please message one of the volunteers to discuss. Thank you.

Afon Veterinary Centre

Main Surgery: Pen y Dre, Neath

Branches in Pontardwe, Maesteg and Cwmavon

It is also possible to pay funds directly into our account with our wonderful local, supportive, vet, using cash, cheque or card

Our postal address is: Tŷ-Nant Cat Sanctuary, Tŷ-Nant Lodge, Tŷ-Nant Lane,  Cymmer, Port Talbot SA13 3NR

Registered Charity No. 1169025

Tŷ-Nant Cat Sanctuary

Registered Charity Number 1169025

email: cats@tynantcatsanctuary.org

Helping Cats Find Loving Homes

© 2024 Tŷ-Nant Cat Sanctuary

Special appeal - We have recently taken in 11 cats from a multi cat household and are hoping to take more in when we have the space.  These cats are all in need of dental, some also have ear tumours and skin conditions.  They will all need vaccinations, and other medications like antibiotics and steroids to improve their skin as well as pain relief for their dental issues.  We will endeavour to get them all well enough to be rehomed as they are such sweet, loving cats. All of this is going to be very costly on top of the usual bills we are paying for the cats in our care.  If you have a pound or two to spare we would really appreciate your help. Please see the link to our go fund me page below.